Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The results of my survey

1 comment:

  1. The first chart shows the number of people who thought horror films could create a bully and those who thought horror films could not create a bully (46.2% said Yes and 53.8% said No). The second chart shows the number of people that had nightmares the first time they saw a horror film (69.2% said Yes and 30.8% said No). Finally the third chart shows the age of people when they saw a horror film for the first time (15.4% were 5 and under, 46.2% were 6-10, 30.8% were 11-15 and 7.7% were 16-20).
    I had very interesting results for my survey. I expected some of the answers but there were a few that surprised me. I was also shocked at how honest and opinionated their answers were for my open ended questions. I was happy to know that people who took my survey thought it was an interesting and fun survey.
